
Living generously in every part of life

One of our values at Lifespring is Generosity; living generously in every part of life.

We love to give as a church, whether that be financially, practically, emotionally, in friendship or through acts of service.

We give in many diverse ways to those in and out of the church; to those in our community and beyond and it is all made possible by the regular giving of those who are part of the Lifespring family as well as from donations of those outside of Lifespring too.

If you'd like to contribute as a one off gift to the work of Lifespring just click here 'Give online'. If you'd like to find out how you can give regularly by setting up a direct debit, please use the details below


Account Name: Lifespring

Sort Code: 40-24-33

Account Number: 01118749

Reference: Your Surname followed by giving e.g ‘Surnamegiving’

You can also give by cash or cheque at any of our gatherings. If you want to increase your regular standing order, the best way to do that is through your bank using our bank details.

Boost your donation by 25% through Gift Aid. let us know via our declaration form 'click here'

If you have any other questions please click the 'Get in touch' button below.