Serve on team
OneTEAM is at the very heart of Lifespring. It's one of the ways we demonstrate our love for one another & partner together in loving our town.
Jesus turned the whole idea of leadership upside down
To serve and not be served.
As followers of Jesus, we are called to live like he did. To lead like he did by laying our lives down for those around us and to give what we have for the benefit of others.
Whether it's opening a door for someone with a smile on our face, helping our kids encounter Jesus for themselves, mixing the sound during worship or praying with someone who needs healing - whatever it is, every role and each part we play is as important as the rest.
The best part is, we get to do it together, as OneTEAM.
If you'd like to get involved in any area of Lifespring, please click the link below and fill out the form.